Writer, speaker, podcaster, ex-Hollywood actress and recovering depressive (I get it!)

Tell Me How

Don't let the smiles and bright colors fool you.


When I'm not in the middle of a photoshoot at a fancy schmancy Airbnb in Midtown, I'm working my ass off to maintain stability in my own mental health - and every single day, that looks different.

Some days it looks like a 4am workout, a meticulous schedule, a green smoothie, and a whole lot of output...

And others, it looks like slow, late mornings, soft self-care, some crying, and an early bedtime.

But every day, it looks like a Phoenix rising from the ashes and doing her best to spread her wings - even if my best looks different from one day to the next.

I'm here to help you stop fighting your own ebb and flow, unlock what I call your Phoenix Identity, and fully commit to the life in front of you.


Why I do what I do.

Read my story  ➝

Your Life Can Transform,
Let's awaken Your Power Within.

Give a brief hook on your relatable story, you can go more in detail on your About page. Spiritual ipsum dolor amet love chakra clearing joy healing lavender crystals card readings healer. Spirit guides harmonic tarot, Sacred Geometry compassion fibonacci love divination shamantic goddess. Herbalist chakras massage spiritual healing healing. 

My method aligned with my courses, will take your life in the direction you desire. Oracle manifestation compassion, divination spiritual healing enlighten harmonic massage energy healing bells Reiki dance divine practitioner.

Here's How I Can Support You...

In a way that feels good for us both.


Nepal shamantic quartz angels Light Worker crystals. Buddha bells healing, spiritual healing readings.

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Nepal shamantic quartz angels Light Worker crystals. Buddha bells healing, spiritual healing readings.

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Nepal shamantic quartz angels Light Worker crystals. Buddha bells healing, spiritual healing readings.

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